Better believe it folks. As posted here in MMO Online Beta Information... World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is TRUE.

But what can we expect on this World of Warcraft 3rd Expansion?
-Level Cap is raised to 85-
Looks like Blizzard is planning on reaching the level 100 cap and they're taking it slow, in this case, a 5 level step by step.
-New Class Accessibility NOT a New Class!-
There is NO New Class. There is however new race-class combination. This means that previous races can have classes that was not available before. Ok, here are the examples
- Human Hunter – finally! Since Classic WoW, I've always wondered WHY Humans don't have hunters!
- Orc Mage – well, from the Lore. Orcs already have Shammans as healers AND magicians. Gameplay wise, the Orc Racial will hurt.
- Night Elf Mage – With Shadowmeld, this is a bit ridiculous. Just imagine the circumstances.
- Dwarf Mage – a mining midget magician... cool
- Blood Elf Warrior – I know a lot of people who wants this. Well, it's not that hard to imagine, they do have Bloodknights.
- Dwarf Shaman – another mining magician, just a bit crazier...
- Undead Hunter – Holy SHI- WHAT? Undead Hunters? Although, Sylvana would count as a Hunter but I just can't imagine an Animal Loving Corpse!
- Tauren Paladin – omg... Tauren Paladin FTW!
- Tauren Priest – HOLY COW! another WIN
- Gnome Priest – I don't have the words to express how disturbing this is.
- Troll Druid – Yeah Mon! Who doesn't want a pothead Bear and a malnourished Cat?
Sorry folks, there's still NO Tauren Rogue
-New Races-

Blizzard introduces new Races for both Alliance and Horde. They are Worgens and Goblins. Worgens are cool and looks badass but I think they fit into the Horde more than in the Alliance, just saying. Goblins are cool too, at least now the Horde has a midget. This makes midget wars viable too.
Still no freaking Panda though...
Here is an Opening Trailer
These MMO online information are mostly rumors, they may be true, they maybe not. There isn't a legit information released yet on the World of Warcraft website. It's a “leaked information” if you know the word. No copyright Infringement intended.
Remember TBC? There were Blood Elf Warriors on the early Beta Testing period but when it finally released, they aren't available. So that's just it, take it as it is.
Final Note and Warning
It's common sense but just in case. Do NOT believe any World of Warcraft Cataclysm Beta. There are a lot of free MMO Online Information such as this blog. Be informed or risk your WoW account, or any account for that matter.
Look for World of Warcraft Cataclysm Beta Scam post in the next few days, or maybe even tomorrow here at MMO Online Beta Information.
Final Note and Warning
It's common sense but just in case. Do NOT believe any World of Warcraft Cataclysm Beta. There are a lot of free MMO Online Information such as this blog. Be informed or risk your WoW account, or any account for that matter.
Look for World of Warcraft Cataclysm Beta Scam post in the next few days, or maybe even tomorrow here at MMO Online Beta Information.
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